Geographical Location : Tropical Forest of Africa
Biological Name : Atheris Squamigera
Description : Being a flesh eater predator, the Bush Viper lives up in the trees of the tropical woods of Africa, and does a large portion of its chasing during the evening.
Kingdom: Animalia (Species: A. Squamigera)
Phylum: Chordata (Genus: Atheris)
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Reptilia (Family: Viperidae)
Order: Squamata (Subfamily: Viperinae)
Suborder: Serpentes
Name : Penis Shaped Snake
Geographical Location : Tropical Forest of Africa
Biological Name : Atheris Squamigera
Description : Being a flesh eater predator, the Bush Viper lives up in
the trees of the tropical woods of Africa, and does a large portion of its chasing during the evening.
Kingdom: Animalia (Species: A. Squamigera)
Phylum: Chordata (Genus: Typhlonectidae)
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Amphibian (Family: Typhlonectidae)
Order: Gymnophiona (Subfamily: Viperinae)
Species: Typhlonectidae
At the point when a group of architects unearthed this critter while constructing a dam in the Amazon,
numerous named it the "penis snake," and its anything but difficult to see why. However, this phallic squirmer isn't a snake at everything except a to a great degree uncommon, limbless land and water proficient.
Photograph by Matt Roper from Mongabay. See another photograph of the creature there.
A year ago, a gathering of designers depleting a part of the Madeira River in Brazil found six of these animals, which researcher Julian Tupan distinguished as Atretochoana eiselti. A. eiselti is a
caecilian, one of the oder of creatures of land and water that takes after worms and snakes because of its absence of appendages. It's additionally the biggest known tetrapod to have no lungs; its accepted that it inhales through its skin, however its still vague exactly how the land and water proficient figures out how to admission adequate oxygen to survive.
What's particularly fascinating around A. eiselti (beside its similarity to human genitalia) is that, until a year ago, the animal groups was known just from two saved examples. Truth be told,
before A. eiselti was found in the warm, turbid waters of the Madeira River, it was hypothesized that they lived rather exposed to the harsh elements, oxygen-rich waters of a lifted locale. So this disclosure has offered scientists an extraordinary chance to study the species. In any case, given that the species is likely uncommon, its a touch troubling that the species was found amid the waste of its living space. In examining the preservation of the Amazon, won't some person please think about the penis snakes?
Snake With Long Nose But Not Funny: By and by local to southeastern Asia, the since a long time ago
nosed vine snake is an exceedingly progressed arboreal predator; not at all like different snakes, it has incredible binocular vision, which permits it to hit at prey with awesome exactness. Its eyes are additionally unordinary in having even, keyhole-formed students. Its vine-like body conceals the snake from both predators and prey (even the tongue is splendid green!) and its light weight permits it to move rapidly through the foliage and even reach starting with one branch then onto the next with a large portion of its body reporting in real time! They sustain for the most part on reptiles and frogs, and in spite of the fact that they are venomous, they represent no genuine danger to people; torment and swelling are normally the main manifestations subsequent to being nibbled by a vine snake, and the side effects vanish inside of a couple of days.
LONGEST SNAKE FOUND IN RIVER (LARGEST SNAKES - NEWLY DISCOVERED): Can you guess the name of this snake ? Is it a snake or Anaconda ? It is very difficult to conclude any thing from the below given video ? (Judge Yourself : whether it is a Giant Snake or an Anaconda ?).
wonderful information :)